Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Art of Seduction

The immediate temptation of anyone who hears the word seduction is to quickly associate it with love – making; the art of seduction is by no means the only purpose to which seduction can be put.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, there is something in our nature as human beings that make us, naturally, seducers. Many people will hold the assertion in dispute; but a moment of careful thought is likely to make us see seduction in the right perspective. By my standard, the business person who dons his best attire on the occasion of a business appointment likely to turn his or her fortunes around for good is practicing seduction. The politician who uses banners, posters, audio – visual interviews, and rhythmical campaign slogans; the advertiser who uses hilarious radio jingles to advertise his products; the movie house that whets our appetite with bits and pieces of gripping scenes in its movies; the car manufacturer who designs his car to look sleek, solid and heavenly; the product manufacturer who wraps his products in colourful packages; and many more other people are all busily practicing The Art of Seduction.
By using methods that had been successfully employed by charmers like Don Juan, Giovanni Casanova, Marylyn Monroe, napoleon Bonaparte, Cleopatra, Bathsheba, Bill Clinton, Benjamin Disraeli, Rasputin, Madonna, and our Goodluck Jonathan the author shows us how we can wield influence that continues to keep us in demand for as long as we live.
Our Almighty Father, also use the seduction method through our lord Jesus Christ who bought us from the camp of the evil one by shedding HIS blood on the cross of Calvary. He gave us life in abundance and we now have access to God through our lord Jesus Christ. Through him, man now has access to God.
Should we use this art, this secret, for man or material? This question is best answered by the man or woman who decides to learn and use The Art of Seduction. I will suggest we apply this principle to our everyday life and in whatever capacity we find ourselves to touch a life effectively and positively for God.
As for me, I find this book interesting and a lifetime treasure that must not be out of sight. I have started to apply it to my life. Look for the book, read and start to apply it to your life.
Adeyeye Kayode
Book reviewer
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