Sunday, 20 March 2011
Healthy Relationships - Finding the True Meaning of Your Relationships
Everybody's busy. Life is demanding. There isn't enough time in the day . . .
so it's easy to understand why people neglect their relationships and fail to give them the attention and love they need.
Why It's So Easy To Neglect Relationships
1. We're too busy to deal with them (until we need something from someone)
2. We tell ourselves we'll do it later -- we'll call, stop by or write . . . (but we may not get around to it)
3. We are up to our eyeballs in the confusing clutter of demands, obligations and responsibilities
4. We are workaholics (or addicted in other ways)
5. We are independent individuals who feel we need no help, other than the company of a few select persons or resources
6. We think we have better things to do
7. We may believe that no one deserves us
8. We think our relationships will always be there
9. We assign a low priority to our relationships because they are unexciting
10. We sometimes avoid relationships because they are complicated, demanding or conflicted
I'll stop here because I'm sure you get the picture.
A True Story
For the purposes of this article, I'll make this brief . . . a few years ago I suffered a near death experience (NDE). An experience unlike any other of my life.
They called my family in from all over, thinking I was not going to make it. So my family hopped on airplanes and flew to the hospital where I was a patient, hoping to get there in time . . . to see me one last time.
But somehow . . . I survived. Oh, everyone said I was going to die, and should have died, but I had the great fortune of living.
I spent the next two weeks in the hospital, much of that time in two intensive care units. When I regained consciousness and overcame paralysis, I saw my entire family standing around my hospital bed. I had not seen some members of my family for years. I had not always been that close to every one of them.
Yet, I was not only over-joyed at the mere sight of them, but I felt as though I was floating on air, lifted above my nearly lifeless body by their combined love.
Suddenly I felt complete and abiding love for each person in my family, regardless of past troubles, separations or disagreements. In those precious moments after my NDE, I saw the truth about relationships -- a truth I had never seen. I found that truth overwhelming and, in some ways, mind-boggling . . .
in a nutshell,
the truth about relationships is . . .
our relationships are a hundred times more important than we realize.
Now, I must admit, there was a time in my life when I would have laughed at that statement! No, I didn't need my relationships, I was strong and fiercely independent.
Now, after surviving two skirmishes with death, and after finding myself face-to-face with realities few ever live to tell about, I doubt that statement could be more true . . .
unless, of course, I were to amend it as follows:
Our relationships are a thousand times more important than we realize! Yes, I said a thousand, and I did not intend it as metaphorical.
What Does This Mean To You And What Can You Do Right Now?
You needn't wait for your own NDE to uncover the truth about relationships. After all, only about 5% of the population seems to have NDEs. But you can learn from the experiences of others.
Humbly, I ask you to:
-- Take an inventory of your relationships, and ask yourself if you have taken any for granted. If so, take immediate steps to put those relationships on the front burner.
-- Stop and reflect on the many ways your relationships have influenced and supported, nourished and protected you . . . and make a concerted effort to nourish the relationships in your life more.
-- Realize you can't possibly count all the people who have helped you throughout the years. How many can you help now?
-- Think about ways to honor the people in your life, and find ways to invest more time and energy in your relationships.
-- Make every effort to conduct healthy relationships that work for both persons involved -- relationships that will reward you many times over and bring you much love and happiness.
-- Prize your family relationships. They are one of a kind. And there is no replacement for them. Give what you can to them . . . now.
In so many ways, before my NDE, I believe I was reluctant and sometimes afraid to conduct great relationships. When the veil of fear was removed, and I felt a newfound courage to love others as never before, my relationships made terrific strides forward.
By giving a laser focus to my relationships, new avenues for happiness and joy have opened up in my life. And I believe the same will happen for you, if you stop to reflect on the awe-inspiring power of relationships.
A Surefire Prescription For Living
I'm not big on prescriptions and formulas, but . . .
I'm certain this one will work!
Just live your life in such a way that you never neglect a single relationship . . . and you will become enormously wealthy. And you will measure your wealth in priceless terms.
Conscious Mating: Is This the Right Relationship for Me?
A successful relationship |
You are a pioneer
You are the pioneer life. And if you read this, it is likely that further relations pioneer, free themselves from past patterns and conscious relationship. As a pioneer in terms of its target in full awareness of the long-term impact of their decisions and the date and the second with the conscious intention. They are determined to create the life and relationship you really want, and I think that can happen to true love and respect only when you find what you really want and not go for anything less.
Everyone starts their journey to a successful life and partnership in order to achieve tasks such as man. If the date and possibly someone to a relationship that is very exciting to see join, but at the same time, most know the question, "Is this the right relationship for me?" and what I call the "pre-commitment" a relationship. The journey from a successful to a conscious couple, as long as the bride and groom become what I call "link aware." Just as a consciousness must be clear who you are, what you want and how to get it, so be aware of a couple. As challenging as it is for the correct decisions in the long-term relationship when you're alone do, maybe too good decisions on long-term relationship, even if difficult to make a pre-commitment.
WHAT IS THE pre-commitment?
In the selection of couples in the world today, most at a certain level, they ask: "Is 'The One' Should I be using this person for the rest of my life?" They are an exclusive couple, but not yet committed.
It may be tempting to call these couples before marriage "believe as a collective term for all couples who have not the leap to a commitment made are made. However, we have the mentality of a couple before marriage that is very different from the mentality of Pre-commitment: "We get married, do" "Is this the right relationship for me?
The first shows the pre-commitment and began to approach, recognized the work with these couples, I develop to this stage, unless otherwise known as "before marriage", but not, as I call it. The label "pre-commitment" should be temporary, but stayed. I was surprised by the lack of recognition, information and resources for this phase of the relationship between general and expert research and literature. Even today, when this phenomenon is a common practice in our culture was largely unknown to the general public, I hope to change with articles like this.
TWO Pre-commitment
Pre-committed couples are generally divided into two categories:
Unconscious, usually after the "mini-marriage" model for the treatment of the relationship without really what requires the commitment. The separation of fact and attitude.
"If Is this the right relationship for me I am making a commitment?" CONSCIOUS-aware that they have not committed mostly commitment as a goal, ask an approximation of the actual and attitude.
Romantic love and pre-commitment
There are many misconceptions about love. Our culture glorifies the stage of the relationship of romantic love in literature, theatre, television and movies. The initial phase of infatuation in a relationship that is in the chemistry going and we experience euphoria. Powerful neurotransmitters, such as amphetamines, floods and change the chemistry of our brain.
During phase untenable romantic love is an important goal because it gives us an idea of our being better and more efficient. If the relationship proves to be a good choice for long-term bonds this time together and prepare for the inevitable storms of life in the face. Do not confuse this early stage romantic love is a real and lasting mistake that can be our undoing.
We want and expect to be happy, and romantic love is forever optimistic. We do not want to believe that when we experience this intense chemistry with someone who does not work. We avoid the pain of failure and perhaps trying trying to fit a round peg in a square hole, trying to turn us into a pretzel, "make" a working relationship.
In today's world, when choosing partners, to go blind in a couple of immediate acceptance. Most new couples' pre-commitment "that they are a couple from, but have not yet decided the future of their relationship. This period coincides with romantic love, and realizes that understanding media partners, the relationship that they recognize the need to know each other long enough to disappear in the love and the experience of reality, before irrevocable decisions in the long run.
KNOWN LINK - a radical position
Here is the real radical rupture relations. How to prevent hard as we try and fail to avoid the relationship anyway. For there are many unconscious forces at work in all phases of a relationship, although we recognize that it is not easy and the results can not control... These unconscious forces have the potential to undermine our efforts to keep the love, if we are not aware of.
Conscious of mating, rather than thinking unconsciously romantic fantasies of living happily ever after, we accept this truth. As relations are broken anyway, why not be as aware as possible in the process and increases our chances of success?
Every relationship has problems. This is normal and does not mean that there is something that is wrong with their relationship. Some problems can be solved and can be addressed and resolved, others are open continuously. Before making a commitment in a relationship, or "prior commitment" stage, offers you the opportunity to decide their future, as objectively as possible.
You can use the pre-commitment to a relationship in order to identify the challenges and solve problems without a solution in this regard. You can then accept a conscious choice and decide to live with them or to sabotage the long-term viability of their relationship and walk at the same time I can down with much less pain and costs on the road. Pre-commitment in an exclusive relationship that has not yet committed. This gives you the opportunity to determine whether this relationship fits your needs and requirements for successful long-term relationship before making a commitment. Useful with the pre-conscious commitment to long-term options.
Prevention of pain
Even if you feel the pain of the break in the pre-commitment, it prevents you from feeling pain again in the future.
Make a conscious decision as possible before making a commitment, in our opinion, a gift of the prevention of pain you can afford. As difficult as it is, the decision to end a relationship, you will be the devastation that will surely experience will save the end of a mini-marriage or divorce, especially when it comes to making children.
If you're in a relationship that did not commit, nor are and ask, "Is this the right relationship for me?" I encourage you to have a choice in the long-term relationship in life and relationship you really want before they make a commitment to results. We must recognize the possibility that his current relationship is not "The One". Therefore, I suggest that you seek clarity about what they really want and need in a relationship and if your current relationship will live the life you love with the love of his life.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Signs Of A Healthy Relationship - 3 Signs of a Healthy Relationship That Signal a Healthy Love Life
What are the signs of a healthy relationship and can reading about them guide you to create a healthy relationship? Let's find out....
Healthy Relationship Sign 1: Multiplying your blessings
It is a good practice to look for the signs of a healthy relationship. It is much better to look at your relationship from the perspective of what is good and what is working well, than to look at it searching for faults and flaws. That is just a fundamental piece of good personal psychology tantamount to always looking on the bright side of life. When you count your blessings, you activate that part of your mind called the Reticular Activating System and, as a result, you spot more and more good things in your life. You will find that this is a major sign of healthy relationships. People in healthy relationships look for the good in each other. They reinforce the positives by giving all their attention and appreciation towards what they like and enjoy about their partner, and accept and play down those things that they cannot change. This creates an on-going cycle of appreciation, enjoyment and love for one another.
Healthy Relationship Sign 2: Putting in time and effort
Another one of the major signs of a healthy relationship is that each partner has accepted the fact that love and romance do not just happen by themselves. They need to be worked at. And people in healthy relationships have a tacit understanding of that. Each partner puts in the time, effort and creativity necessary to create relationship magic. At a pragmatic level, this involves being kind, thoughtful and affectionate with your partner. It translates as hugs and kisses, compliments on appearance and achievements, little gifts and loving notes, acts of thoughtfulness and care. Basically, you do everything you can reasonably do to add joy to your partner's daily experience and to increase his or her feeling of happiness. This is the act-ion of Love, something you commit to doing every day.
Healthy Relationships Sign 3: Two powerful individuals
Another one of the main signs of a healthy relationship is that each member of the couple is a unique, strong and independent person. A useful metaphor for a healthy relationship is that the two people involved are like two powerful upstanding pillars. Together they can support the relationship aloft. But if one of the pillars is leaning over onto the other pillar, the relationship becomes unstable and falls. There are of course lots of times when you will need the support of your partner and will lean on them in those times. The signs of a healthy relationship though are found in 2 people who are strong and independent, who understand the give and take of relationships, and work hard to stay in relationship credit by regularly investing their time and energy into the relationship in ways that their partner appreciates and benefits from.
The way to relationship health
By looking for the signs of a healthy relationship, you open your mind to new ideas that can shape and improve your romantic love life. With all of life's challenges, it can be hard to stay on your toes and do all the things you wanted to do when you first started out to make your relationship terrific. With all our busy-ness, staying creative and coming up with ideas to enhance and make our relationships healthy can be challenging. That is why I found rel=nofollow 'The 50 Secrets to Blissful Relationships' such a godsend. It's packed full of ideas, advice and tips gleaned from couples who have built healthy, long-term love relationships that have survived the distance and grown from strength to strength. I think whatever you can get your hands on to shortcut the process of creating healthy relationships is worth its weight in gold . Emulating the success of others is a great strategy employed in all the best marriages and, yes, another sign of a healthy relationship.
What Went Wrong? When Relationships Go From Hot To Cold
Everything was great.
We had been dating for 6 months. We shared the same interests, felt very at ease together, had (often)
discussed future plans and had even spent some of the holidays together. Our relationship seemed right on track
and just right in general.
Then, without warning, he said he "needs some time to think and figure things out." He stopped calling and rarely
returned my calls. When he did, I was often met with silence on the other end of the line. When I asked "what
happened", I just got a verbal run around of excuses about how busy he is and/or how much stress he is under
right now.
What happened? What did I do? I don't know what to think.
Does the above scenario sound at all familiar? If so, you can relate to being confused and stunned over the sudden
change in a boyfriend's/girlfriend's behavior.
Now think about this - What if your relationship wasn't what you thought it was? What if unspoken issues had
existed all along? What if there were signs you chose to ignore or just didn't see? Are any of these possible?
This sudden change in a couple's relationship is reported quite a bit by individuals who have just broken up with
a significant other. Unfortunately, it leaves the person who has been "dumped" with feelings of low self-esteem,
regret, inadequacy and anger.
There is often no real closure, as the couple is never able (willing) to talk through what went wrong or was never right
with their relationship.
So, how can you know what the problem was and hope to avoid a repeat of this hurtful experience? You can do this
by examining your failed relationship and gaining insight and understanding about what just wasn't right between you.
In order to assist you with this; I am providing a basic framework of the relationship stages a couple must pass
through TOGETHER in order to get to a place of shared intimacy and commitment. If either person's feelings
change before, during or after one of these stages; it is not necessarily the "fault" of the other individual. It is simply
a statement about the individuals' rightness (or not) for each other. It is also a reflection of each individual's relationship
readiness and ability to handle long-term, committed intimacy.
How an individual handles their changing feelings and resultant behavior toward the other is a subject for another article.
Relationships have stages. We have all read articles and books by authors who have come up with their own unique
number or names for these. I will try to take a very basic approach to this and keep it simple and as universal as
This is the first stage. It is physical, intellectual and emotional - on a very surface level. Girl sees boy and vice versa. They
flirt, talk and get a very basic sense of the other. They are usually responding to a physical pull. He/she is cute,
funny, charming, interesting to talk to, etc.
Without attraction, first dates wouldn't happen. It can therefore be assumed that the other person finds us attractive if
we have gotten to a first date.
In a way, this is the easy one. We are unknowns to each other. Things progress from this point or they do not. Hurt
feelings are minimal. We usually chalk up rejection to; "I'm not his type". There is no need to analyze or wonder
what went wrong.
If both people feel a strong enough level of attraction continues to exist after a few dates, they usually move along to
stage two. However, if one finds the other has unattractive characteristics or behaviors, this can lead to an abrupt change
in the relationship.
Remember, these behaviors or characteristics would be ones that would manifest in the very early stage of dating.
Some examples: frequently late, never offers to pay, dresses or grooms sloppily, rude to waitress, etc.
Romantic Relating
In this second stage, couples begin to test out the idea of themselves as a unit. Dating is no longer brand new. It is more
comfortable and predictable. Sharing romantic dinners and exciting special interests are typical dates during this new
and fun time in a growing relationship.
During this stage, flowers are given for no special reason and loving cards are slipped back and forth with
words like "thinking of you". It's a happy carefree time, when lovers tend to idealize, romanticize and overlook
that which can be right in front of them. The relationship seems effortless and spontaneous. Affection is shared openly
and frequently. One's partner seems perfect. There is rarely conflict during this period. The partners often share
the unrealistic belief that their relationship is so special and unique that it will always stay this way.
This stage can last from three or four months up to more than a year. It is actually the shortest stage that any
long-term relationship goes through. It is also the one we wish we could hold on to forever and long for when it is gone.
This is the stage that love poems speak about. It is also believed (falsely) by many that this is what long-term
committed love will always be like.
Many relationships begin to stumble at the end of this period. For that is when reality begins to set in. As partners
begin to experience some disagreement, conflict and/or shared challenges- the relationship shifts as do the
dynamics between the partners.
Though many relationships move past this stage, a number do not. Why? There are many reasons. These can include:
* lack of readiness for the challenges of the next stage
* issues with commitment and fidelity
* immature beliefs about what relationships should be
* being stuck on an idealized, romanticized notion of love
If one of the partners is not ready for a less than perfect and more demanding stage of love, they will exhibit this in their
behavior, language and overall level of openness and availability towards the other.
This is when the couple begins to think more seriously of a future with each other. The focus tends to be;
how well do we get along, do we share similar interests and do I want to date this person exclusively?
Growth Through Negotiation
This is a very challenging and growing time in all relationship building. Reality comes into play as the couple
settles into the comfort and predictability of their togetherness. Little issues can become blown-up into large conflicts.
The individuals begin to compete for their share of control and their place in this growing union. Differences
can become highlighted instead of minimized.
This is often the period when couples experience their first fight. Hurt feelings can occur as that once loving
and completely accepting other person airs a criticism or voices annoyance or concern. Often, the individuals
believe it is the other person who needs to change.
This is where the need for (or lack of) communication, problem-solving and negotiating skills becomes apparent.
For without an adequate measure of these, disagreements can break down into screaming matches where
insults and recriminations are fired like missiles.
If the individuals can listen, be supportive of each other's feelings, compromise and not lay blame, they have
a good chance of working through this stage and achieving a true intimacy. This does not mean they will share
all the same beliefs and opinions or that they will necessarily even like the other's view. However, having and
showing respect is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship.
Not only will relationships fail without these relationship-building strengths, they can also abruptly end if
one of the partners decides that they don't feel the same way about this person in their less than idealized
state. The reality may not be to their liking or just something they are not ready for in general. Either way,
they will pull back, present differently or disappear without warning. How they handle their changing feelings
is further information about their level of relationship readiness and maturity in general.
Intimacy is the reward that is gained when a couple has successfully worked through the difficult last stage of
negotiation. It is almost like a new coming together with much greater self (and other) awareness. This new information
can work to solidify the union or give one of both individuals enough new information about the other to require
a reassessment of their desire to remain together.
Each person looks at the other in their (naked) state and asks; "is this the person I want to be with"? Here their individual
differences are highlighted. The early romantic haze has cleared. What they have to offer to each other and to
a future life together comes into play.
This is a time when couples often begin to contemplate each other's attributes in a more practical way.
They look at the other's strengths and weaknesses. They evaluate each other's potential as a future spouse,
parent, provider, caregiver, partner, etc.
Relationships can be tested more during this time. Infidelity is one dysfunctional way that some individuals
do this. Often, this leads to the end of the relationship.
When differences can be seen, aired and accepted, the couple has a good chance of moving on together
from this place. Essentially, they have decided they want to be with the other, warts and all.
When the behavior of one or both partners change, it is generally because they have made a conscious or
unconscious decision regarding the wrongness of the other for them or for the type of relationship they seek.
This is the final stage of relationship building. Once individuals have reached this place, they are ready to
cement their bond. While much growth and work will lay ahead in a future life together, they are
ready to begin this life soon.
New challenges arise during each stage, and will happen here as well. However, if the couple has successfully
worked through the previous stages, they should have many of the tools they need.
The external problems and pressures that come with life will test their resolve and commitment over the
years. They may need to reassess, re-negotiate and renew their feelings and commitment. Fortunately,
they will be in possession of the basic tools required.
If they choose well to begin with, they should be successful.
As you evaluate your failed relationship, note the stage you were in when the change occurred. Chances are that
the necessary level of readiness and maturity was not present in one or both of you. Perhaps one of you
decided that this is not the kind of partner or relationship I am seeking.
This new information and insight should help you to choose a future partner who is better suited to you and desirous
of the same kind of relationship that you are.
Romantic Relationships: A Spiritual Perspective
Meet someone so attractive, so beautiful. His heart beats like the rhythm at the races and Jell-O knees.
We all know that this feeling of love and the amazing beauty to see in another. Couples fall in love and happiness fall his headaches Sun Love should not be as difficult as everyone has come to learn to get out of something what you put into it. But there is a fine line to keep an eye here. Our minds come to make us believe that we are "not ready", "dissatisfied" or "unloved", until you find the love of our lives. This was the spirit that speaks (also known as ego), not our soul.
Your soul knows that it is finished, an extraordinary man, a creature of God. God's creation is a creation of love. Innate in you, you are pure love and our Ego is here to challenge that decision. Only when we love as God loves, you're life is full as we call it experience "heaven". God loves everyone equally, no one is more special than anyone else. That brings us to the "special relationship".
When two people to take a look at the beauty of others, often feel that our relationship will fill the void and the coupling of the other person. First, you can have a wonderful time, but are built on what basis these relationships is simply your "thinking" that are not complete and needs another to complete. It is for this reason that when relationships change form (traditionally known as the end of the relationship), a lot of pain. Unleash your partner and all the people in your life at any time. This is one of the principles of successful relationships.
If you want the other person of their freedom and believe that the relationship will be both of you for your spiritual growth, beautiful things happen. Free at every moment of the day and the knowledge that at the end of the relationship to creating opportunities "appear" for you and the most glorious, most amazing person you know who they are. These include forgiveness, not judging, showing compassion and unconditional love.
Relations have nothing to do with the other person. Knowing this puts you in a powerful place where you have control over what you feel and it is in the relationship. In the beginning there is happiness and joy in the possibility of being prosecuted for your soul work. I once read that you ask God to send the perfect couple, but sends you something much better - someone slightly less than expected. Seeing the relationship as a sacred space where you can grow. Your soul knows that show relationships slowly newest member of your glory and that love.
We see so often said, my family are our Amazingly, they only remember the natural state of mind - perfection. Perfection does not mean that you experience pain, sadness, or some of the less pleasant experiences, but it does not mean that you are wonderful, and how to change that. Performing fully - every moment of the street. Open your heart and love without limits. If you open your heart and love the other, without any conditions, people see the right person you are and get a glimpse of God in you. Do not be afraid of the rejection of any kind, because remember rejection does not mean that something is "wrong" with you, just an option for other brands is their soul journey. They are complete and perfect design and need not to be loved by chance something about you - just love others and you'll find love.
This lesson focuses much more on the study. When we label someone and the "special relationship" so easy to find given the expectations of that person: "Is that what you call a 6 or" Do you like what you left, "We are very focused on?." Shape "the relationship and less on" content ".
An intimate relationship is sacred, authenticity, freedom and allows them to grow souls. You do not have experience in a relationship, intimacy. Your best friend may mourn as they see fit, and that he / she does not judge you to be sad. Note that your partner is in love, so they have the freedom to be anyway, knowing that, no matter what is the area that day. Their needs are met? You do not have "need" to have it all. You are whole and complete, full of pure love. Note that is not your fault, and while you do not. There may be some things to experiment, but they may have with anybody, not just your romantic partner. Our generation has separated us from God. "Without God" does not mean they do not reflect the entity called "God" but rather, it means we "know" the distance that we all love. We are all connected, all beings, all elements and all that exists is an energy source called "God", known as love.
We can raise awareness for the welfare of every being, every element and every opportunity that crosses our path again - even.
meet someone so attractive, so beautiful. His heart beats like the rhythm at the races and Jell-O knees.
We all know that this feeling of love and the amazing beauty to see in another. Couples fall in love and happiness fall his headaches Sun Love should not be as difficult as everyone has come to learn to get out of something what you put into it. But there is a fine line to keep an eye here. Our minds come to make us believe that we are "not ready", "dissatisfied" or "unloved", until you find the love of our lives. This was the spirit that speaks (also known as ego), not our soul.
Your soul knows that it is finished, an extraordinary man, a creature of God. God's creation is a creation of love. Innate in you, you are pure love and our Ego is here to challenge that decision. Only when we love as God loves, you're life is full as we call it experience "heaven". God loves everyone equally, no one is more special than anyone else. That brings us to the "special relationship".
When two people to take a look at the beauty of others, often feel that our relationship will fill the void and the coupling of the other person. First, you can have a wonderful time, but are built on what basis these relationships is simply your "thinking" that are not complete and needs another to complete. It is for this reason that when relationships change form (traditionally known as the end of the relationship), a lot of pain. Unleash your partner and all the people in your life at any time. This is one of the principles of successful relationships.
If you want the other person of their freedom and believe that the relationship will be both of you for your spiritual growth, beautiful things happen. Free at every moment of the day and the knowledge that the purpose of the relationship in order to create options for you "seems" and the most glorious, most amazing person you know who they are. These include forgiveness, not judging, showing compassion and unconditional love.
Relations have nothing to do with the other person. Knowing this puts you in a powerful place where you have control over what you feel and it is in the relationship. In the beginning there is happiness and joy in the possibility of being prosecuted for your soul work. I once read that you ask God to send the perfect couple, but sends you something much better - someone slightly less than expected. Seeing the relationship as a sacred space where you can grow. Your soul knows that show relationships slowly newest member of your glory and that love.
We see so often said, my family are our Amazingly, they only remember the natural state of mind - perfection. Perfection does not mean that you experience pain, sadness, or some of the less pleasant experiences, but it does not mean that you are wonderful, and how to change that. Performing fully - every moment of the street. Open your heart and love without limits. If you open your heart and love the other, without any conditions, people see the right person you are and get a glimpse of God in you. Do not be afraid of the rejection of any kind, because remember rejection does not mean that something is "wrong" with you, just an option for other brands is their soul journey. They are complete and perfect design and need not to be loved by chance something about you - just love others and you'll find love.
This lesson focuses much more on the study. When we label someone and the "special relationship" so easy to find given the expectations of that person: "Is that what you call a 6 or" Do you like what you left, "We are very focused on?." Shape "the relationship and less on" content ".
An intimate relationship is sacred, authenticity, freedom and allows them to grow souls. You do not have experience in a relationship, intimacy. Your best friend may mourn as they see fit, and that he / she does not judge you to be sad. Note that your partner is in love, so they have the freedom to be anyway, knowing that, no matter what is the area that day. Their needs are met? You do not have "need" to have it all. You are whole and complete, full of pure love. Note that is not your fault, and while you do not. There may be some things to experiment, but they may have with anybody, not just your romantic partner. Our generation has separated us from God. "Without God" does not mean they do not reflect the entity called "God" but rather, it means we "know" the distance that we all love. We are all connected, all beings, all elements and all that exists is an energy source called "God", known as love.
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We all know that this feeling of love and the amazing beauty to see in another. Couples fall in love and happiness fall his headaches Sun Love should not be as difficult as everyone has come to learn to get out of something what you put into it. But there is a fine line to keep an eye here. Our minds come to make us believe that we are "not ready", "dissatisfied" or "unloved", until you find the love of our lives. This was the spirit that speaks (also known as ego), not our soul.
Your soul knows that it is finished, an extraordinary man, a creature of God. God's creation is a creation of love. Innate in you, you are pure love and our Ego is here to challenge that decision. Only when we love as God loves, you're life is full as we call it experience "heaven". God loves everyone equally, no one is more special than anyone else. That brings us to the "special relationship".
When two people to take a look at the beauty of others, often feel that our relationship will fill the void and the coupling of the other person. First, you can have a wonderful time, but are built on what basis these relationships is simply your "thinking" that are not complete and needs another to complete. It is for this reason that when relationships change form (traditionally known as the end of the relationship), a lot of pain. Unleash your partner and all the people in your life at any time. This is one of the principles of successful relationships.
If you want the other person of their freedom and believe that the relationship will be both of you for your spiritual growth, beautiful things happen. Free at every moment of the day and the knowledge that at the end of the relationship to creating opportunities "appear" for you and the most glorious, most amazing person you know who they are. These include forgiveness, not judging, showing compassion and unconditional love.
Relations have nothing to do with the other person. Knowing this puts you in a powerful place where you have control over what you feel and it is in the relationship. In the beginning there is happiness and joy in the possibility of being prosecuted for your soul work. I once read that you ask God to send the perfect couple, but sends you something much better - someone slightly less than expected. Seeing the relationship as a sacred space where you can grow. Your soul knows that show relationships slowly newest member of your glory and that love.
We see so often said, my family are our Amazingly, they only remember the natural state of mind - perfection. Perfection does not mean that you experience pain, sadness, or some of the less pleasant experiences, but it does not mean that you are wonderful, and how to change that. Performing fully - every moment of the street. Open your heart and love without limits. If you open your heart and love the other, without any conditions, people see the right person you are and get a glimpse of God in you. Do not be afraid of the rejection of any kind, because remember rejection does not mean that something is "wrong" with you, just an option for other brands is their soul journey. They are complete and perfect design and need not to be loved by chance something about you - just love others and you'll find love.
This lesson focuses much more on the study. When we label someone and the "special relationship" so easy to find given the expectations of that person: "Is that what you call a 6 or" Do you like what you left, "We are very focused on?." Shape "the relationship and less on" content ".
An intimate relationship is sacred, authenticity, freedom and allows them to grow souls. You do not have experience in a relationship, intimacy. Your best friend may mourn as they see fit, and that he / she does not judge you to be sad. Note that your partner is in love, so they have the freedom to be anyway, knowing that, no matter what is the area that day. Their needs are met? You do not have "need" to have it all. You are whole and complete, full of pure love. Note that is not your fault, and while you do not. There may be some things to experiment, but they may have with anybody, not just your romantic partner. Our generation has separated us from God. "Without God" does not mean they do not reflect the entity called "God" but rather, it means we "know" the distance that we all love. We are all connected, all beings, all elements and all that exists is an energy source called "God", known as love.
We can raise awareness for the welfare of every being, every element and every opportunity that crosses our path again - even.
meet someone so attractive, so beautiful. His heart beats like the rhythm at the races and Jell-O knees.
We all know that this feeling of love and the amazing beauty to see in another. Couples fall in love and happiness fall his headaches Sun Love should not be as difficult as everyone has come to learn to get out of something what you put into it. But there is a fine line to keep an eye here. Our minds come to make us believe that we are "not ready", "dissatisfied" or "unloved", until you find the love of our lives. This was the spirit that speaks (also known as ego), not our soul.
Your soul knows that it is finished, an extraordinary man, a creature of God. God's creation is a creation of love. Innate in you, you are pure love and our Ego is here to challenge that decision. Only when we love as God loves, you're life is full as we call it experience "heaven". God loves everyone equally, no one is more special than anyone else. That brings us to the "special relationship".
When two people to take a look at the beauty of others, often feel that our relationship will fill the void and the coupling of the other person. First, you can have a wonderful time, but are built on what basis these relationships is simply your "thinking" that are not complete and needs another to complete. It is for this reason that when relationships change form (traditionally known as the end of the relationship), a lot of pain. Unleash your partner and all the people in your life at any time. This is one of the principles of successful relationships.
If you want the other person of their freedom and believe that the relationship will be both of you for your spiritual growth, beautiful things happen. Free at every moment of the day and the knowledge that the purpose of the relationship in order to create options for you "seems" and the most glorious, most amazing person you know who they are. These include forgiveness, not judging, showing compassion and unconditional love.
Relations have nothing to do with the other person. Knowing this puts you in a powerful place where you have control over what you feel and it is in the relationship. In the beginning there is happiness and joy in the possibility of being prosecuted for your soul work. I once read that you ask God to send the perfect couple, but sends you something much better - someone slightly less than expected. Seeing the relationship as a sacred space where you can grow. Your soul knows that show relationships slowly newest member of your glory and that love.
We see so often said, my family are our Amazingly, they only remember the natural state of mind - perfection. Perfection does not mean that you experience pain, sadness, or some of the less pleasant experiences, but it does not mean that you are wonderful, and how to change that. Performing fully - every moment of the street. Open your heart and love without limits. If you open your heart and love the other, without any conditions, people see the right person you are and get a glimpse of God in you. Do not be afraid of the rejection of any kind, because remember rejection does not mean that something is "wrong" with you, just an option for other brands is their soul journey. They are complete and perfect design and need not to be loved by chance something about you - just love others and you'll find love.
This lesson focuses much more on the study. When we label someone and the "special relationship" so easy to find given the expectations of that person: "Is that what you call a 6 or" Do you like what you left, "We are very focused on?." Shape "the relationship and less on" content ".
An intimate relationship is sacred, authenticity, freedom and allows them to grow souls. You do not have experience in a relationship, intimacy. Your best friend may mourn as they see fit, and that he / she does not judge you to be sad. Note that your partner is in love, so they have the freedom to be anyway, knowing that, no matter what is the area that day. Their needs are met? You do not have "need" to have it all. You are whole and complete, full of pure love. Note that is not your fault, and while you do not. There may be some things to experiment, but they may have with anybody, not just your romantic partner. Our generation has separated us from God. "Without God" does not mean they do not reflect the entity called "God" but rather, it means we "know" the distance that we all love. We are all connected, all beings, all elements and all that exists is an energy source called "God", known as love.
Adeyeye Michael Kayode
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